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How I Made IEM UMPSA Website


I have always been passionate about programming. I learned programming online through platforms like freeCodeCamp and CS50. My web development journey started with basic HTML and CSS. As I gained more experience, I explored frameworks like Angular and then React. Now, I primarily use Next.js.

This website is built using Next.js and Supabase, providing a seamless and efficient experience for our users.

To all new coders and IEM members, here are some pieces of advice about programming and future paths:

  1. 1. Start with the Basics: Understanding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is crucial. These form the foundation of web development.
  2. 2. Explore Frameworks: Once you're comfortable with the basics, explore popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue. They help in building complex applications efficiently.
  3. 3. Keep Learning: The tech field is always evolving. Stay updated with the latest technologies and trends. Continuous learning is key.
  4. 4. Build Projects: Apply what you learn by building projects. This not only reinforces your knowledge but also creates a portfolio that showcases your skills.
  5. 5. Join Communities: Being part of tech communities, like IEM UMPSA Developer, can provide support, networking opportunities, and collaboration on projects.
  6. 6. Seek Feedback: Don't hesitate to ask for feedback on your code. Constructive criticism helps you grow and improve.
  7. 7. Professionalism: Strive to be professional in your work and interactions. Embark on professionalism, as our slogan emphasizes. This includes writing clean code, meeting deadlines, and communicating effectively.

Remember, the journey of programming is continuous and ever-evolving. Stay curious, keep coding, and embrace the challenges along the way. Your efforts will lead to a fulfilling career and contributions to the tech community.

Embark on Professionalism


About the Author

Hovah Yii

Hovah Yii

Connect with me on LinkedIn.